July 22, 2010

Friendship Quotes

"These people aren't your friends, they're paid to kiss your feet." - Radiohead
"A friend in need is a friend to be avoided."- Lord Samuel
"Whenever a friend suceeds, a little something in me dies."- Gore Vidal
"I'll keep it short and sweet. family. religion. friendship. these are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business. " - Mongomery Burns (The Simpsons) sent by Troy Edwards
"A friend in power is a friend lost" - Henry Adams, sent by Troy Edwards
"I've noticed your hostility towards him ... I ought to have guessed you were friends." - Malcom Bradbury
"I don't trust him. We're friends." - Bertolt Brecht
"Whoever says Friendship is easy has obviously never had a true friend!" - Bronwyn Polson
"There is nothing in the world I wouldn't do for (Bob) Hope, and there is nothing he wouldn't do for me ... We spend our lives doing nothing for each other." - Bing Crosby
"A woman can become a man's friend only in the following stages - first an acquantaince, next a mistress, and only then a friend." - Anton Chekhov
"Sometimes your closest friend is your greatest enemy." - Jason Fong
"I just killed my best friend...and my worst enemy." "What's the difference?" -Christian Slater ("Heathers")
"When I needed you most when I needed a friend, you let me down now like I let you down then" -Blink 182
What are friends?
Friends are people that you think are your friends
But they're really your enemies, with secret indentities
and disguises, to hide they're true colors
So just when you think you're close enough to be brothers
they wanna come back and cut your throat when you ain't lookin
-"If I Had" - Eminem
The next two quotes were sent in by Waqas Ahmad"True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen."
"Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks"
"Men kick friendship around like a football and it doesn't seem to crack. Women treat it like glass and it falls to pieces"
-Anne Lindbergh - Sent in by Sandy Macbeth
"Friendships last when each friend thinks he has a slight superiority over the other."
- Honore Debalazac
"Friends are just enimies who don't have enough guts to kill you"
-Sent in by Dayna Vastano
Friends are like roses...you have to look out for the pricks!
-Sent in by Krista


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